In my humble opinion, New Year's Resolutions are a fallacy and, quite frankly, a potential self-sabotaging trap. Let me clarify. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a "turning of the new page" mindset, and it's a good thing. However, the challenge is when your resolutions are NOT IN GOOD ORDER or designed and outlined in a way that will not serve your goals or end game. Here is what I mean. If your resolutions suffer from these ailments, then there is an excellent chance that you'll fall far short of your well-meaning intentions.
The first is UNREALISTIC resolutions. They sound empowering but will demand more of you than you truly know you can give at that moment. Next, a resolution that doesn't ALIGN itself with your identity is sure to fail. These are resolutions that pull you into a direction that does not line up with your calling, skill sets, ambitions, and so on. You are not wired to go there, and soon enough, you find out and drop out. Copying another's resolutions simply because they sound pretty good and something you should be doing too is a recipe for disaster. You have to MAKE resolutions YOUR OWN. You have to OWN THEM. If they are not coming from an authentic place, the motivation to see them through will fade.
In addition, don't set resolutions to try and FIX something that isn't BROKEN. In other words, why mess with something that does not need repair? It's the easy way out. Your resolution will come and go, and all you'll have is a false sense of accomplishment. Finally, don't set them to IMPRESS others. Why? People don't care about your resolutions and whether you hit them or not. So, don't set them because you're waiting or wanting for someone to validate you. Set them because you are the most important person you have to impress.
Now, if you're going to set healthy resolutions, then follow these "8 TIPS to Resolutions Achievement Success":
1. Make sure they have personal meaning.
2. Set BIG resolutions that will change and stretch you but are not so ridiculous that they become unattainable.
3. Break up those BIG resolutions into smaller steps or mini-tasks of achievement.
4. Establish a resolution accountability partner.
5. Grant yourself grace.
6. Expect setbacks along the way.
7. Reward yourself along the way.
8. Seek supportive and helpful advice from others who've been there.
Good luck!
